Employment Website and Landing Page Lead Generation Domains
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Domain | Search Results Phrase (Per Month) | Avg Cpc Ng (Cost Per Click) | Avg Competition Ng | Keyword Ng |
Total Searches per Phase Search via Esitbot.com 09/29/14 | 251,253,340 | |||
howtointerview.co | 100,000,000 | $2.66 | low | [how to interview] |
howtobeasuccess.info | 25,400,000 | $0.54 | low | [how to be a success] |
onlinetraining.co | 19,300,000 | $14.26 | high | [online training] |
investmentinchina.org | 11,800,000 | $5.91 | high | [investment in china] |
homebusinessinchina.com | 6,030,000 | $7.56 | high | [home business in china] |
homebusinessinchina.net | 6,030,000 | $7.56 | high | [home business in china] |
homebusinessinchina.org | 6,030,000 | $7.56 | high | [home business in china] |
homebusinessinchina.info | 6,030,000 | $7.56 | high | [home business in china] |
homebusinessinchina.biz | 6,030,000 | $7.56 | high | [home business in china] |
thesalesskills.com | 5,470,000 | $- | low | [the sales skills] |
thesalesskills.info | 5,470,000 | $- | low | [the sales skills] |
wheretofindajob.org | 4,860,000 | $1.26 | high | [where to find a job] |
wheretofindajob.co | 4,860,000 | $1.26 | high | [where to find a job] |
beingsuccessful.org | 4,750,000 | $0.11 | low | [being successful] |
career-in-a-box.net | 4,620,000 | $- | low | [career in a box] |
entryleveljobs.co | 4,430,000 | $0.82 | medium | [entry level jobs] |
howdoigetajob.co | 3,910,000 | $1.77 | low | [how do i get a job] |
howdoigetajob.us | 3,910,000 | $1.77 | low | [how do i get a job] |
lostmyjob.org | 2,620,000 | $2.35 | low | [lost my job] |
greatjobs.co | 2,220,000 | $1.66 | low | [great jobs] |
howcanifindajob.org | 2,100,000 | $1.35 | high | [how can i find a job] |
howcanifindajob.us | 2,100,000 | $1.35 | high | [how can i find a job] |
helpmefindajob.co | 2,000,000 | $1.20 | high | [help me find a job] |
salesblog.us | 948,000 | $9.56 | low | [sales blog] |
yoursellingtips.com | 921,000 | $- | low | [your selling tips] |
bestcareer.org | 860,000 | $2.25 | low | [best career] |
chineseinvestment.org | 851,000 | $8.07 | medium | [chinese investment] |
howtoinvestinchina.net | 796,000 | $6.44 | high | [how to invest in china] |
howtoinvestinchina.org | 796,000 | $6.44 | high | [how to invest in china] |
effectivebusinessskills.com | 775,000 | $- | low | [effective business skills] |
wheretofindjobs.us | 726,000 | $1.20 | high | [where to find jobs] |
beingasuccess.net | 488,000 | $0.11 | low | [being a success] |
internetbusinessinchina.com | 486,000 | $5.25 | high | [internet business in china] |
internetbusinessinchina.net | 486,000 | $5.25 | high | [internet business in china] |
bestwaytogetajob.com | 419,000 | $1.35 | low | [best way to get a job] |
chineseinvestments.org | 355,000 | $5.24 | high | [chinese investments] |
howdoifindajob.org | 233,000 | $1.45 | high | [how do i find a job] |
howdoifindajob.us | 233,000 | $1.45 | high | [how do i find a job] |
sellingtipsblog.com | 228,000 | $- | low | [selling tips blog] |
careerinsales.net | 209,000 | $3.14 | low | [career in sales] |
howtofileforunemployment.com | 199,000 | $0.30 | low | [how to file for unemployment] |
howtofileforunemployment.net | 199,000 | $0.30 | low | [how to file for unemployment] |
salescareeradvice.com | 157,000 | $0.11 | low | [sales career advice] |
win-win-selling.com | 138,000 | $0.50 | low | [win win selling] |
salesprofessionalcommunity.com | 119,000 | $- | low | [sales professional community] |
supersalesskills.com | 105,000 | $- | low | [super sales skills] |
howtobesuccessfulinbusiness.com | 93,600 | $4.40 | low | [how to be successful in business] |
interviewforajob.info | 85,200 | $2.33 | low | [interview for a job] |
successmadeeasier.net | 81,900 | $- | low | [success made easier] |
chinesemutualfunds.net | 58,900 | $8.17 | high | [chinese mutual funds] |
chinesemutualfunds.org | 58,900 | $8.17 | high | [chinese mutual funds] |
helpmefindacareer.net | 55,800 | $1.14 | high | [help me find a career] |
professionalsalescertificate.biz | 45,900 | $5.62 | high | [professional sales certificate] |
wheredoifindajob.org | 35,200 | $1.44 | high | [where do i find a job] |
salesskillssite.com | 6,540 | $- | low | [sales skills site] |
salesadviceblog.com | 6,370 | $- | low | [sales advice blog] |
salesresourceblog.com | 4,930 | $- | low | [sales resource blog] |
win-win-selling-skills.com | 3,730 | $- | low | [win win selling skills] |
unemploymentanswers.net | 3,720 | $0.88 | low | [unemployment answers] |
mastersellingtips.com | 3,520 | $- | low | [master selling tips] |
salespersoncommunity.com | 3,030 | $- | low | [salesperson community] |
professionalsalescertificates.com | 2,600 | $- | low | [professional sales certificates] |
corporatesuccesscourse.com | 2,420 | $- | low | [corporate success course] |
corporateprimer.com | 1,970 | $- | low | [corporate primer] |
employment2014.com | 813 | $- | low | [employment 2014] |
saleskilldevelopment.com | 752 | $- | low | [sale skill development] |
employment2013.com | 441 | $- | low | [employment 2013] |
millennialcareers.com | 78 | $- | low | [millennial careers] |
prosalescert.com | 10 | $- | low | [pro sales cert] |
2014jobs.com | 9 | $- | low | [2014 jobs] |
corporatesellingtips.com | 6 | $- | low | [corporate selling tips] |
corporatesuccessprimer.com | 1 | $- | low | [corporate success primer] |
bestcareers2014.com | - | $0.24 | low | [best careers 2014] |
prosalescerts.com | - | $- | low | [pro sales certs] |
salesprocommunity.com | - | $- | low | [sales pro community] |
salestips4u.com | - | $- | low | [sales tips 4u] |
2014bestcareers.com | - | $- | low | [2014 best careers] |
2014businesstraining.com | - | $- | low | [2014 business training] |
2014employment.com | - | $- | low | [2014 employment] |
2014entryleveltraining.com | - | $- | low | [2014 entry level training] |
2014jobmarket.com | - | $- | low | [2014 job market] |
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2014jobsearch.com | - | $- | low | [2014 job search] |
2014salestraining.com | - | $- | low | [2014 sales training] |
2014unemployment.com | - | $- | low | [2014 unemployment] |
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bestcareersfor2014.com | - | $- | low | [best careers for 2014] |
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findajob2014.com | - | $- | low | [find a job 2014] |
findajobin2014.com | - | $- | low | [find a job in 2014] |
giftsformillennials.com | - | $- | low | [gifts for millennials] |
howdoifindacareer.com | - | $- | low | [how do i find a career] |
howdoigetacareer.com | - | $- | low | [how do i get a career] |
howdoigetajobwithnoexperience.com | - | $- | low | [how do i get a job with no experience] |
howtobeasucccessinbusiness.com | - | $- | low | [how to be a succcess in business] |
howtobecomeabusinesspro.com | - | $- | low | [how to become a business pro] |
howtobecuccessful.us | - | $- | low | [how tobe cuc cess ful] |
howtogetasalescareer.com | - | $- | low | [how to get a sales career] |
howtointeview.org | - | $- | low | [how to inteview] |
jobmarketin2014.com | - | $- | low | [job marketin 2014] |
jobopportunitesin2014.com | - | $- | low | [jo bopp ort unites in 2014] |
jobsformillennials.com | - | $- | low | [jobs for millennials] |
needajob2014.com | - | $- | low | [need a job 2014] |
needajobin2014.com | - | $- | low | [need a job in 2014] |
organicganjawines.com | - | $- | low | [organic ganja wines] |
personalsuccessmadeeasier.com | - | $- | low | [personal success made easier] |
successcanbeeasier.com | - | $- | low | [success can be easier] |
successfulbusinesscareer.com | - | $- | low | [successful business career] |
successinlifemadeeasier.com | - | $- | low | [success in life made easier] |
successmadefaster.com | - | $- | low | [success made faster] |
tipstogetajob.com | - | $- | low | [tips to get a job] |
unemployment2014.com | - | $- | low | [unemployment 2014] |
wheredoigetajob.net | - | $- | low | [where do i get a job] |
wheredoigetajob.org | - | $- | low | [where do i get a job] |
============== | ||||
Total Searches per Phase Search via Esitbot.com 09/29/14 | 251,253,340 | |||
ng= Current Estibot Algorthm |